Add a selfie to your tombstone

Preserve your legacy: instead of creating selfies for your tombstone create something that awakens human beings into a more meaningful life.

Marino Baccarini
3 min readMar 18, 2024

Ironically, posting all of our lives on social media to tell the world that we exist is what makes us cease to exist.

Our videos, our selfies, and our stories disappear a moment later we posted them, swallowed by the cyberworld and we cease to exist.

Even for those who “save” our videos and our selfies.

They will never see them again, lost somewhere inside smartphones, tablets, and computers.

Saving videos and images seen on social media deludes us into thinking we are becoming immortal when in fact the opposite is happening: we vanish like “tears in rain”.

I‘ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
— Roy Batty, Blade Runner, final line.

The more we try to capture our image, like a modern Narcissus, the precious moments of our lives, the content created specifically to show our acting, directing, comedic, and special effects-creating abilities, the more we strive to create something immortal the more ephemeral we become, all our efforts have given us few moments of popularity that last only a few minutes, a few hours, rarely a day.

So much effort for nothing in return.

Only the very talented will earn a few bucks until the channel decides to stop paying and we can’t do anything about it.

The channel where we publish our creations has made us slaves and can dispose of us whenever and however it wants. Until we suddenly disappear.

What a wretched fate for those who spend the best years of their lives in invisible chains.

All the years of maximum creative power are wasted in the illusion of becoming immortal.

While, ironically, the opposite is happening.

The more we strive to exist, the more our human form will vanish like “tears in rain”.

Should we stop sharing stories, videos and selfies?

Probably not.

When they serve the purpose of helping us to awaken the minds of human beings still identified with the conditioned mind, when they serve to help our fellow humans understand the only true purpose of the human experience, when they help us create more engaging stories and speak to the heart of our peers, then we can use stories, videos, selfies, special effects.

But we should never forget that they are only tools, ways, and means to speak to the hearts of our fellow men.

Videos, selfies, and other content created by AI should not reinforce the idea that we are superior to others, more attractive, or richer.

While we may be unique in terms of our individual experiences, the human form we “are”, we are all valuable as manifestations of Awareness.

Nothing real can threatened, (our true nature)
Nothing unreal exists (our human form is transient and deceiving)
Herein lies the peace of [divine] (In knowing this lies the true inner peace)



Marino Baccarini

Exposing Marketing Beguile and Human Communication Psychology in The Modern World.