Old and new habits

Is creating a new habit harder than changing an old one?

Marino Baccarini
1 min readDec 31, 2023
Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

Going about in town, I heard someone make this statement: creating a new habit is more challenging than changing an old one.

So I wondered: what does it mean to change an old habit?

It means creating a new one and abandoning an old one, or modifying a habit that causes dissatisfaction and frustration to acquire one that we believe is better.

In all cases, it always involves creating a new habit that replaces another.

Whether we think we don’t have old habits to replace or we are convinced of changing our behavior or reaction to a situation. In any case, we will create a habit that didn’t exist before because there was another one in its place.

Therefore, the belief that creating a new habit is more difficult than changing an old one doesn’t make any sense, is wrong, and relies on a habit rooted in millions of human beings: not investigating the meaning of words and behaviours. Not making an effort to discover their true nature. Just accepting the opinion shared by the conditioned mind. Each person for various reasons.



Marino Baccarini

Exposing Marketing Beguile and Human Communication Psychology in The Modern World.