Quotes tell the world you exist.

People love talking about themselves, it fulfils the purpose of having an identity, being somebody.

Marino Baccarini
1 min readFeb 27, 2024
Photo by Jaime Lopes on Unsplash

A personal note on quotes.

Quotes shout to the world, ‘I exist.’

They suggest that you agree, you too see things the same way, you belong to that tribe, and you’re part of the group sharing the same values, ideas, and opinions about things, people, and events.

Throwing a like ❤️at a quote costs nothing, it is free. The butterfly’s wing flutter, and a fraction of a moment later, that gesture is forgotten.

Even so, for that moment, you’ve told the world: ‘I exist too, and I’m here, part of your community.’

On the contrary, someone commenting: ‘The real issue is something else…’ seeks the same visibility, the same attention from the world for a moment, but they do it by standing out, distinguishing themselves instead of blending in.

Distinguishing yourself is the dogma of Personal Branding.

To the world, they say they’re different, and others are somehow inferior or even their enemies.

Praise and insults, to most, may seem the opposite, but for the ego, they achieve the same purpose: telling the world: ‘I exist.’



Marino Baccarini

Exposing Marketing Beguile and Human Communication Psychology in The Modern World.