We are all philosophers.

Do you ever ponder on the purpose of life?

Marino Baccarini
2 min readJun 14, 2024
Photo by Holly Ro on Unsplash

“One cannot be anything but a philosopher

regardless of those who insult you,

tells you that you are wasting your time on useless nonsense,

that you engage in aimless overthinking,

in spite of those willing to convince you that life is short and you have to take pleasure in everything,

in spite of those willing to convince you that his/her opinion on life is better than yours,

in spite of those who want to sell you their ideology, religion, political faith, vision of the world as a great amusement park or an endless hell.

The purpose of life is to uncover its purpose and then take your own path, without fear.

Every human being is a philosopher even without realising it (and not knowing the word’s meaning) since philosophy means choosing your way in life.

Hence, being a philosopher means deciding how to live after exploring all the possibilities knowledge offers.

In fact, philosophy means “love of knowledge or love of wisdom”.

Unaware philosophers live according to the rules of their environment.

Those who ponder the purpose of life instead of accepting the rules of their environment live every moment in the joy of investigation and discovery.”

— Martin Heiland-Sperling, Morning Musings, 14.06.2023



Marino Baccarini

Exposing Marketing Beguile and Human Communication Psychology in The Modern World.